Sunday 21September will be observed as Harvest Sunday in this parish. That day Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be held in Frankfield, Douglas and Blackrock at the usual times. Mr. Keith Roberts will be our guest preacher in Frankfield and Douglas. At 7pm the annual ecumenical Harvest Thanksgiving will take place in Marmullane. This year Rev. Elaine Murray will be our guest preacher.

While on this theme, in October we are holding a special Harvest Songs of Praise in a very unusual location! On 12 October all parishioners are invited to Rumley’s Open Farm. This event will take place in the afternoon and it is hoped that people of all ages will enjoy coming together to sing and enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the farm. Refreshments will also be served afterwards. Please note the date for now. Further details will be publicised next month.