Dear All,

As you may be aware, all church services and parish activities have stopped until further notice due to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. However that doesn’t mean that our worship and our care for each other has to stop. 
This Sunday is Mothering Sunday or Mother’s Day. At the weekend I will be sending you some prayers and readings, as well as a short reflection, which you may like to use in the privacy of your own home. I will be doing this every weekend from now on until our normal church services resume.Please forward it on to anyone else you know who might find such prayers and readings helpful.
If I can be of any practical assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me.The Rectory number is 4891539 and my mobile is 086-1664805. While I may not be able to visit you in your home, unless the circumstances are exceptional, I am very happy to talk on the phone. I also have a list of parishioners who have volunteered to shop or collect prescriptions for those who require some practical support. Contact me and I can give you their phone number. They are happy to deliver to your door. 
Together we will get through the uncertainty of the coming months. Look out for each other. That is what parish communities do best. Heed all the advice of the HSE and government authorities.
God bless,
Adrian Wilkinson

Archdeacon of Cork, Cloyne and Ross.

The Rectory,
Carrigaline Road,
T12 A2RC