
Badminton – CPH @ 8pm.  New members welcome.



Bowls – CPH @ 7.45pm

Confirmation Class in the Canon Packham Hall, 6.45 – 7.30pm



1st Cork Company, The Boys’ Brigade. – CPH @ 6pm – 7pm Anchors.  7.15pm – 8.30pm Junior and Company sections

Select Vestry Meeting – CPH @ 8pm


The Old Schoolhouse Lunch will be held on Wednesday, 31st January at 1pm in the Old

School House, Blackrock.


THANKS: To Chris Jermyn, who just before Christmas, replaced all the light bulbs in St

Luke’s Church with new LED bulbs. They are much brighter and more effective. This he

did at his own expense. Many thanks Chris!


Charity Fundraising: Many thanks to all those who supported the Coffee Morning in the

Rectory before Christmas. As a result €800 was sent to Christian Aid. Your generosity is



Kingdom Men Cork – New Wine Ireland Men’s breakfast will be held on Saturday, 17th

February at 9.15am Carrigrohane Parish Centre, Carrigrohane. Speaker: Rev. Kingsley

Sutton.  Cost €12 (+ service charge) per person.  Following the men’s breakfast New Wine

Ireland &Love for Life’ will deliver two seminars on challenges in family life 50 Shades of

Red at 2pm – 3.30pm & The Birds and the Bees, Cork at 4pm-5.30pm.  €8 (+ service

charge) per person. Book no later than the 24th January for both events. See New Wine

Ireland website for details.


A Tractor and Truck Run Bandon Mart will be held on Sunday, 21st January at 12.30pm

in the Old Still, Bandon.  Proceeds in aid of St. Peter’s Church Development Fund, BASC

Bandon and Cork Down Syndrome Centre.


CPR Training takes place on the second Tuesday of each month at Canon Packham Hall, Douglas at 7.00pm.  This class teaches basic techniques of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) for adults, children and infants. An AED is a computerised defibrillator which analyses the heart rhythm of a person in cardiac arrest and uses voice prompts to advise you if a shock is needed. Please contact John Clifford on 087-246-2629 or you are very welcome to simply turn up on the night.