
Morning Prayer – St. Michael’s Church, Blackrock @ 11am

Badminton – CPH @ 8pm



Douglas Churches Together Information Meeting – St Columba’s Parish Centre @ 7.30pm. This meeting will help prepare for our work with Douglas Churches Together at the stands in the local shopping centres. Volunteers are urgently needed to give just an hour.

Badminton – Marmullane @ 8pm.        



Holy Communion – St. Luke’s, Douglas @ 11am

Lenten Lunch – Old School House Blackrock at 12.30pm

Confirmation Class – CPH @ 7.15pm

Bowls Club – CPH @ 7.30pm



1st Cork Company, The Boys’ Brigade. – CPH @ 6pm – 7pm Anchors.  7.15pm – 8.30pm Junior and Company sections.



 Lent Group on Prayer – CPH @ 11am


                                Sunday Readings

Old Testament

Exodus 2: 1-10 p50 (NRSV)


127: 1-4 p746 (B.C.P)


2 Corinthians 1: 3-7 p175 (NRSV)


John 19: 25-27 p111 NRSV



 Service and Sausages takes place on Sunday, 2nd April at 6pm in St. Luke’s Church, Douglas.


St.Nicholas Brass Band with guests The Prison Officer’s Male Voice Choir will hold a concert in St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral on Thursday, 6th.April at 8pm. Tickets from any Band member or on the door €10.00 (€7 concessions)


Our Easter General Vestry Meetings will be held on Wednesday 5th April for Frankfield and Thursday 6th April for Douglas Union. Each meeting will be held at 8pm and will be preceded by a celebration of Holy Communion in the church at 7.30pm.

The Church of Ireland Bishop’s Appeal has launched an emergency campaign in response to the crisis that is unfolding across Eastern Africa, Nigeria and Yemen.  Donate what you can today.


Our Bishop Dr. Paul Colton will be with us each night of Holy Week which runs from 9th April and he asks that we join him in St Luke’s Church, Douglas.  He says


‘Holy Week changed everything. From the earliest days Christians changed their entire routine that week – they called it ‘The Great Week’ – because those days changed everything.  I am inviting you all to make a special effort to change your usual routine each night that week, and to come out for our short Services on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. to retrace the steps of Jesus in that last week of his life, as well as on those holiest of days – Maundy Thursday and Good Friday – when we share and experience the memory of his last hours before his execution.  Making a special effort to do the whole week, rather than to dip in and out (though that is welcome too) can help us on our own path today.  I look forward to seeing you all from Douglas Union with Frankfield in Holy Week.   +Paul’