Dear parishioners and friends,

Yesterday was ‘World Kindness Day’. Talking to my 10 year old niece in the USA on a family Zoom call last night, I heard about how it was being emphasised in her school. Kindness is an important quality to have, no matter what your age, particularly at times like this.
Below you will see an infographic detailing one form of practical kindness which is very evident in Cork City at present. Food poverty is a real problem for some and I highlight this issue to remind you that help is available for those who need it. Take a closer look at it.


I also have some limited discretionary funds that I can tap into, on a confidential basis, for individuals and families who are in emergency and immediate need. There are also two diocesan trusts that I can put people in contact with, as well as organisations like Protestant Aid.  Many are facing increased heating bills, unforeseen medical expenses, as well as the additional demands on family budgets as Christmas approaches.  The church, and other local organisations are there to provide a helping hand, practical support and a little ‘kindness’. Don’t hesitate to email me or make a call if I can be part of a chain of help at this time.
Please find attached a copy of the service of Morning Prayer for tomorrow. The service this week was recorded in Holy Trinity Church in Frankfield and will be available on the Parish YouTube channel from later this evening. The link to it is here:
Take care and God bless,

Archdeacon of Cork, Cloyne and Ross.

The Rectory,
Carrigaline Road,
T12 A2RC